Modeling and simulation of dynamic performance of horizontal steam-launch system
论文作者:JIN Jia-shan(金家善) YAN Zhi-teng(严志腾) HU Ji-min(胡继敏)
文章页码:3604 - 3611
Key words:horizontal steam-launch system; thermodynamics and kinetics characteristics; modeling and simulation
Abstract: Based on theory of variable-mass system thermodynamics, the dynamic mathematic models of each component of the horizontal steam-launch system were established, and by the numerical simulation of the system launching process, the thermodynamics and kinetics characteristics of the system with three valves of different flow characteristics were got. The simulation results show that the values of the peak-to-average ratios of dimensionless acceleration with the equal percentage valve, the linear valve and the quick opening valve are 1.355, 1.614 and 1.722, respectively, and the final values of the dimensionless velocities are 0.843, 0.957 and 1.0, respectively. In conclusion, the value of the dimensionless velocity with the equal percentage valve doesn’t reach the set value of 0.90 when the dimensionless displacement is 0.82, while the system with the linear valve can meet the launching requirement, as well as the fluctuation range of dimensionless acceleration is less than that of the quick opening valve. Therefore, the system with the linear valve has the best performance among the three kinds of valves.
JIN Jia-shan(金家善), YAN Zhi-teng(严志腾) , HU Ji-min(胡继敏)
(College of Naval Architecture and Power Engineering, Naval University of Engineering, Wuhan 430033, China)
Abstract:Based on theory of variable-mass system thermodynamics, the dynamic mathematic models of each component of the horizontal steam-launch system were established, and by the numerical simulation of the system launching process, the thermodynamics and kinetics characteristics of the system with three valves of different flow characteristics were got. The simulation results show that the values of the peak-to-average ratios of dimensionless acceleration with the equal percentage valve, the linear valve and the quick opening valve are 1.355, 1.614 and 1.722, respectively, and the final values of the dimensionless velocities are 0.843, 0.957 and 1.0, respectively. In conclusion, the value of the dimensionless velocity with the equal percentage valve doesn’t reach the set value of 0.90 when the dimensionless displacement is 0.82, while the system with the linear valve can meet the launching requirement, as well as the fluctuation range of dimensionless acceleration is less than that of the quick opening valve. Therefore, the system with the linear valve has the best performance among the three kinds of valves.
Key words:horizontal steam-launch system; thermodynamics and kinetics characteristics; modeling and simulation