论文作者:黄晓锋 周宏 何镇明
文章页码:271 - 274
关键词:镁合金; 防燃; 燃烧
Key words:magnesium; ignition proof; burn
摘 要:镁合金在熔炼及制备零件过程中容易发生氧化燃烧。介绍了国内外目前所采用的防燃方法并指出了各种方法的缺点 ,作为头号镁、稀土资源大国的中国 ,填加稀土防止镁合金氧化燃烧的研究、开发应用已势在必行。
Abstract: Magnesium alloy is prone to burn during melting process and producing. Many kinds of ways to prevent magnesium alloy from bruning were introduced and their demerits were pointed out. As one of top countries with magnesium and rare earth resource, the study, development and application for proof magnesium alloys should be promoted urgently in China.