
Rate decline analysis of multiple fractured horizontal well in shale reservoir with triple continuum


论文作者:WANG Jun-lei(王军磊) YAN Cun-zhang(闫存章) JIA Ai-lin(贾爱林) HE Dong-bo(何东博) WEI Yun-sheng(位云生) QI Ya-dong(齐亚东)

文章页码:4320 - 4329

Key words:triple continuum; desorption and diffusion; Darcy flow; multiple finite conductivity fractures; pressure; blasingame type curves

Abstract: Multiple fractured horizontal well (MFHW) is widely applied in the development of shale gas. To investigate the gas flow characteristics in shale, based on a new dual mechanism triple continuum model, an analytical solution for MFHW surrounded by stimulated reservoir volume (SRV) was presented. Pressure and pressure derivative curves were used to identify the characteristics of flow regimes in shale. Blasingame type curves were established to evaluate the effects of sensitive parameters on rate decline curves, which indicates that the whole flow regimes could be divided into transient flow, feeding flow, and pseudo steady state flow. In feeding flow regime, the production of gas well is gradually fed by adsorbed gases in sub matrix, and free gases in matrix. The proportion of different gas sources to well production is determined by such parameters as storability ratios of triple continuum, transmissibility coefficients controlled by dual flow mechanism and fracture conductivity.


Rate decline analysis of multiple fractured horizontal well in shale reservoir with triple continuum

WANG Jun-lei(王军磊)1, YAN Cun-zhang(闫存章)2, JIA Ai-lin(贾爱林)1, HE Dong-bo(何东博)1, WEI Yun-sheng(位云生)1, QI Ya-dong(齐亚东)1

(1. PetroChina Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development, Beijing 100083, China;
2. PetroChina Foreign Cooperative Company, Beijing 100011, China)

Abstract:Multiple fractured horizontal well (MFHW) is widely applied in the development of shale gas. To investigate the gas flow characteristics in shale, based on a new dual mechanism triple continuum model, an analytical solution for MFHW surrounded by stimulated reservoir volume (SRV) was presented. Pressure and pressure derivative curves were used to identify the characteristics of flow regimes in shale. Blasingame type curves were established to evaluate the effects of sensitive parameters on rate decline curves, which indicates that the whole flow regimes could be divided into transient flow, feeding flow, and pseudo steady state flow. In feeding flow regime, the production of gas well is gradually fed by adsorbed gases in sub matrix, and free gases in matrix. The proportion of different gas sources to well production is determined by such parameters as storability ratios of triple continuum, transmissibility coefficients controlled by dual flow mechanism and fracture conductivity.

Key words:triple continuum; desorption and diffusion; Darcy flow; multiple finite conductivity fractures; pressure; blasingame type curves

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