


论文作者:陈健美 张新明 邓运来 肖阳 熊创贤 蒋浩

文章页码:427 - 432


Key words:magnesium alloys; free energy; rare earth metal; fluxes; melting; refining; alloying

摘    要:根据与镁合金化有关的金属元素的热力学数据,绘制与镁合金制备相关的金属氧化物、氯化物和氟化物的生成自由能随温度变化的关系图。从物理化学的角度,研究采用熔剂法制备镁合金铸锭熔剂处理的热力学原理,为合理选择熔剂配方提供理论依据。对稀土镁合金合金化存在的熔剂制备问题进行研究,指出了解决问题的方法。

Abstract: The diagrams showing relations of formation free energy of the oxide, chloride and fluoride against temperature related to foundry of magnesium alloys were presented according to the thermo-dynamic data for magnesium alloying. On the physical and chemical background of melding and refining of magnesium alloys prepared by the flux treatment method, the thermodynamical principles were analyzed for the theoretic foundation of choosing flux rationally. The existing questions of preparing fluxes during melting, alloying and refining of the rare earth magnesium alloys were particularly analyzed, and the solution was presented.



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