

论文作者:Sait KURSUNOGLU Zela Tanlega ICHLAS Muammer KAYA

文章页码:1652 - 1659


Key words:laterite ore; Caldag lateritic nickel ore; synergistic reagent; ascorbic acid; nickel; cobalt

摘    要:研究硫酸与抗坏血酸联用对恰尔达红土镍矿中镍和钴的溶解作用。作为比较,也研究柠檬酸、马来酸和硬脂酸等有机酸作为协同试剂的应用情况。结果表明,抗坏血酸和柠檬酸的使用显著改善了钴的溶解,而其他两种有机酸对浸出率的协同作用很小。对于镍的溶解,抗坏血酸是最有效的协同试剂,其次是柠檬酸、马来酸和硬脂酸。在本研究获得的最优条件下,即1 mol/L硫酸中加入4 g/L抗坏血酸、80 °C、固液比1/10,浸出4 h后钴和镍的浸出率分别达到99%和98%以上。此外,浸出行为对抗坏血酸浓度的变化(2~4 g/L)较不敏感,这从操作角度来看是非常理想的。

Abstract: The dissolution of nickel and cobalt from Caldag lateritic nickel ore using the combination of sulphuric and ascorbic acids was investigated. The use of other organic acids, namely citric, maleic and stearic acids, as synergistic reagents was studied for comparison. The results revealed that the use of ascorbic and citric acids markedly improved the dissolution of cobalt compared to the other two organic acids that only showed slight synergistic effect on the leaching rate. In terms of nickel dissolution, ascorbic acid is the most effective synergist, followed by citric, maleic and stearic acids in descending order. Under the most optimized conditions found in this study, i.e., using 1 mol/L of sulphuric acid with the presence of 4 g/L of ascorbic acid at 80 °C and solid-to-liquid ratio of 1/10, more than 99% and 98% leaching rates of cobalt and nickel, respectively, can be achieved within 4 h of leaching. In addition, the leaching performance is relatively insensitive to the change of ascorbic acid concentration from 2 to 4 g/L which is highly desirable from operational perspective.

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